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Decorative EcoSparks Glitters For Candle Making
Eco Sparks Glitters are high sparkle earth friendly alternatives to poly glitter. As well as their amazing exquisite sparkle, they also provide a much softer tactile feel, with higher adhesion and an overall higher performance compared to both poly and biodegradable glitter.
Eco Sparks Glitter in Candles
Put some Eco Sparks Glitter into your candles and see how our eco friendly glitter can transform your candles. Eco Sparks Glitter is ideal to use to decorate the outside surface areas of your wax candles. You can use our Eco Sparks Glitter to add that sparkly effect to the outside of your candle container or on the outside of your pillar candles. You should NOT use our Eco Sparks Glitter INSIDE a wax or gel candle. They are also great to use on wax melts where you can sprinkle some Eco Sparks Glitter onto the surface of your wax melts.